This space houses the downloadable resources from each toolkit on this portal. It additionally contains activity plans and other learning aides for parliamentarians and their staff from accross the Americas and the Carribbean.
See how to open filesWeb page offering the possibility for the public to submit input, comments and opinions regarding the national budget proposal, which are then considered by the Committee on Budget and General Accounts as part of its review of the budget proposal
Online surveys developed by the Government of Mexico to obtain citizens’ opinions on priority issues, including topics of pre-draft legislation
The Open Data Portal includes a list of data, with its respective catalogue, published in various open data formats. It also provides applications and displays generated from legislative open data.
The Government of Canada’s Open Data Portal displays the different datasets provided by the government to the public in a structured way and through a search engine.
The unified Open Data Portal of the Government of Mexico makes the databases of the different branches of Government available to users.
The “Open Data” section provides access to open data on the Members of Parliament, bills, spending and petitions, among other information.
E-book to inform citizens about the role and work of the National Assembly
OPN promotes legislative openness with the objective of combating corruption, increasing public confidence, and strengthening democratic institutions
Parliamentary unit whose mission is to develop training activities and promote social participation on political and parliamentary matters of national interest
Diploma in legislative management available for parliamentary staff and the general public
Webcasting service that provides live streaming of parliamentary proceedings and allows for citizens to submit questions to committee secretaries during public hearings
Participatory Budgeting Project
The Plenarinho portal presents information on the parliament, such as the law-making process and the parliamentary and political action, democracy and organization of the State of Brazil, using accessible and playful language.
The “Plenary Assembly Members” section presents a list of assembly members by gender and party affiliation, including biographical information and the contact details.
Article 35 (VII), Article 71 (IV)
Article 6[…] VII
Is the channel for submitting requests for access to information from bodies subject to Canada’s Access to Information Act and contains a repository of answered requests.
The portal of the Municipal Archive of Saltillo is a project aimed at making the collections of the City Council’s historical documentary heritage available to current and potential users, with images and detailed references to documents containing.
Consultations administered by the finance committee on a particular subject-matter, resulting in a report presented to the Minister of Finance for consideration in the development of the national budget
Consultations administered by the finance committee based on the Minister of Finance’s budget consultation paper, resulting in a report presented to the Minister of Finance for consideration in the development of the budget
Kate Ryan-Lloyd at Training Session on Parliamentary Budget Consultation in Victoria, Canada on September 10, 2018
Member of Parliament Wayne Easter at Training Session on Parliamentary Budget Consultation in Victoria, Canada on September 10, 2018
Citizens are invited to assume the role of a parliamentarian for one day and participate in a committee meeting without voting rights but with time reserved for them to make an intervention
Tweets inviting citizens to participate in Senate debates through the mobile application "Mi Senado"
Located in the “Our Commitments” section, is used to manage the process for requests for information, indicating applicable limits and the stages of the process.
Public television channel that provides live broadcasts of parliamentary sittings, with interpretation for the hearing-impaired
The Public Data Portal in open format contains various datasets related to parliamentary work published in CSV and JSON formats, including a preview and a catalogue for each dataset.
Public forums held in provinces where citizens can share their needs and discuss what they want from their province; this information has been used by the Executive to inform its budget proposal
Public hearings held by financial oversight committees where citizens can watch live and submit questions in the YouTube live chat which are provided to committee members (see associated policy under video in link above)
Meetings held in departmental (provincial) capitals by initiative of parliamentarians or citizens to present bills, listen and collect input, suggestions or modifications brought forward by citizens
Outreach program where parliamentary staff travel to various locations across the country to speak with citizens and conduct surveys to obtain feedback on the work of parliament; the results are in turn provided to relevant committees
Radio station that broadcasts parliamentary sittings live and also hosts programs that allow citizens to call in and provide feedback to the Parliament
The “Quick Access” section presents the social media policy, which includes aspects related to content, moderation, and privacy.
Congressional radio station that transmits legislative proceedings and discusses the work of the Congress; similarly, both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate live stream sessions
The Records Management Policy establishes the scope, objectives and process of records management, among other aspects, and is in line with the Records Management Program and the General Archive of the Nation (AGN).
The general archive includes the records management policy, record classification chart, policy for disposing of records, system for publishing information, inventory of records in the central file, the Institutional Archives Plan (PINAR).
The “Reports to Parliament” section contains national progress reports regarding the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy.
Five business days each month where legislators return to their districts to address complaints and facilitate mediation among citizens and public institutions, as per Standing Orders
The “Resources for Students” section presents educational resources on the parliament and the legislative process focused on students.
The section dedicated to work with the press provides information on the regulations governing work with the media and access to parliamentary information.
Online portal providing citizens with some of the draft bills being debated in the Senate and allowing them to vote on entire bills or on specific aspects of each bill, while submitting comments
The Senate’s Transparency Portal presents both periodic reports on the handling of requests for access to information, as well as statistics on the requests made.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
The “Social Media” section of the online magazine “SenCa plus” includes the Senate’s posts on social media by session.
Live streaming of ordinary and extraordinary plenary sessions, in addition to parliamentary activities with citizen participation; the Congress also has YouTube, Facebook and Twitter accounts
Article 22, Article 123
Article 22, Article 123
Article 224
Article 46
Article 156, Article 157
Article 23
Article 145, Article 146
The State Transparency Portal is a technological platform used as a single channel for the submission of requests for access to information from bodies subject to the Transparency Law of Chile.
Submissions written by citizens or organizations that provide opinions, comments and recommendations on a subject being studied by a parliamentary committee
Provides information on the main provisions of the regulations and presents the different mechanisms related to access to information in line with the Transparency Law.
YouTube video explaining the function of the European Parliament, promoted by the parliament through its various social media accounts
Days for which a theme is assigned by a committee to provide a space for legislators to interact with citizens; each committee must host two Thematic Days within each legislative period
In-person meetings and forums held in several towns to educate citizens on the role of parliament and on various governance issues, including important local government reforms
Town hall meetings held in partnership with government to present draft legislation and gather citizens’ feedback to develop additional recommendations, which are then considered by cabinet
A forward-looking review of the 10th Parliament of Trinidad & Tobago
The RTA launched a website that contains all the documents of the Records Management and Archives Administration Model, which is the result of a joint effort with EUROsociAL, in the framework of the RTA Archives Project.
The Transparency Portal includes an annual record of the index of reserved files.
The Transparency Portal includes an index of information reserved from public knowledge.
The “Transparency Section” includes legislative and administrative information on the Chamber of Deputies with infographics.
Guided tours offered regularly and ability to attend parliamentary sittings
The section “Who Are the Deputies” is supported by a search engine that shows the contact details,main functions, assets, and lobbying information for each legislator.
When holding meetings in the form of “town halls”, committees often reserve a period of time during which audience members are given an opportunity to ask questions or make brief comments without having to formally arrange for their appearance
Simulation of parliamentary sessions held in parliament and live streamed to teach young people about parliamentary work